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Raphael and his collaborators - The Council of the Gods - Villa Farnesina - Rome

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Giulio Romano - Alexander the Great - (Inv 1974-0018) - Musée d'Art de d'Histoire de Genève

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Filippo Negroli - Parade Bourguignotte dated 1543 - (17.190.1720) MET New York

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Giulio Romano - Project for a salt cellar - Collection of the Dukes of Devonshire - Chatsworth

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Giulio Romano - Acanthus frieze - Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest

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Giulio Romano - Acanthus frieze (65803001) - © The Trustees of the British Museum

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Filippo Orsoni - Helmet study (E 1777 - 1980) - Victoria & Albert Museum London

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Filippo Orsoni - Helmet study (E 1780 - 1980) - Victoria & Albert Museum London

Giulio Romano Italian School, Circa 1499-1546
Study for a Parade Helmet/ Etude d'un casque de parade
Pen and brown ink and wash/ Plume et lavis d'encre brune
10 x 7 5/8 in
25.5 x 19.5 cm
25.5 x 19.5 cm
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We would like to thank Dr. Martin Zlatohlávek of Karlova University in Prague for suggesting and confirming the attribution to Giulio Romano./ Nous remercions le Dr. Martin Zlatohlávek de l’Université Karlova à Prague de nous avoir suggéré et confirmé l’attribution à Giulio Romano.
An old restoration to the drawing is to be noted, particularly at the top of the feathers / Une restauration ancienne du dessin est à signaler en particulier dans le haut des plumes.
(for the drawing)Lodewijk Houthakker (Lugt 3893)
Manuel Canovas (Lugt 4098)
with James Faber London
(for the frame)
Exposition internationale du cadre du XVème au XXème siècle – Galeries Georges Petit – 1931 – number 545 (according to a label on the verso)
Cadres Lebrun