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Ernesto Maccari - Façade of Palazzo Milesi – Engraving (detail)

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Etching by Galestruzzi (Circa 1656 - 1658)

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Palazzo Milesi - The frescoes of Polidoro da Caravaggio seen from the street – Rome via della Maschera d’Oro 2022

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Biagio Pupini - Ancient Sacrifice (after Polidoro da Caravaggio) - Musée du Louvre - Paris - France

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Attributed to Biagio Pupini - The Rape of the Sabine Women - Musée du Louvre - Paris - France

Biagio Pupini Italian School, Circa 1490-1495-After 1575
The Abduction of the Sabine Women/ L'enlèvement des Sabines
Pen and brown ink wash with white gouache highlights, on (yellowed) blue paper with lining/ Dessin à la plume et au lavis d’encre brune rehaussé de traits de gouache blanche, sur papier bleu (jauni) doublé
6 3/4 x 6 1/2 in
17.2 x 16.4 cm
17.2 x 16.4 cm
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This drawing was sold at public auction in 1875 (Nassetta sale (?) as indicated on the back of the lining); it was then attributed to Polidoro da Caravaggio.
A detailed description of the drawing is available under the "Selected Artists" section/ une description détaillée du dessin est disponible dans la section "Sélection d'artistes"