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Jan Popel - Virgin and Child with St John the Baptist and St Catherine - engraving after Palma Vecchio (instead of Palma il Giovane as erroneously stated)

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David Teniers II (after Palma Vecchio) - Portrait of a man - unknown location

David Téniers II Flemish School, 1610-1690
Virgin and Child with Saint John the Baptist and Saint Catherine/ Vierge allaitant l’Enfant avec Saint Jean-Baptiste et Sainte Catherine, ca. 1655
Oil on oak pannel/ Huile sur panneau de chêne
6 3/4 x 9 in
17 x 22.7 cm
17 x 22.7 cm
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Dukes of Marlborough Collection, Blenheim Palace until its sale at Christie's London on 26 July 1886 (lot 172)
English private collection until its sale at Christie's London on 11 December 1992 (lot 363)
Erna Weidinger Collection (1923 - 2021) - Austria
Georg Scharf – A list of the pictures in Blenheim Palace – Catalogue raisonné Part 2 – London 1862 (page 166 – numéro 199 “d’après Palma Giovane”)
Charles Davies – A collection of one Hundred and Twenty Paintings by David Teniers (from Blenheim Palace) – The property of His grace the Duke of Malborough. On exhibition at Mr. Davis’ Galleries – London 1884 (page 30 – numéro 199; “d’après Palma Giovane”)
A detailed description of this painting is available in the "selected artists" section.