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Getting up/ Le Lever - 1955 Scottish National Gallery of Modern Art, Edinburgh, UK

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Michelangelo Merisi, known as Caravaggio (1571-1610) – Amor victorious - Gemäldegalerie - Berlin - Germany
Balthasar Klossowski de Rola, dit Balthus French School, 1908-2001
Study for "Getting Up" - étude pour Le Lever, 1955
Pencil and watercolor on studio paper/ crayon et rehauts d'aquarelle sur papier d'atelier
21 1/2 x 16 7/8 in
54.7 x 43 cm
54.7 x 43 cm
Further images
Frédérique Tison, Château de ChassyExhibitions
Bevaix, Galerie Arts Anciens - november - december 1975 number 21Literature
J. Clair, V. Monnier Balthus, catalogue raisonné de l’oeuvre complète, Gallimard, Paris 1999 - number D843 reproduced in black and white (page 285)
Related works: A very similar study for “Getting Up” (55.2 x 43 cm) sold on May 8th 2014 at Sotheby's New York (lot 388) for $50,000. It is listed as D844 in the catalogue raisonné, which suggests that it was done just after ours. A larger (103 x 68.5 cm) and more accomplished study sold for 650,000 FRF (hammer price - equivalent to 99,000 €) at Briest in Drouot Montaigne on June 17th 1997 (lot 19).
A detailed description of this painting is available in the "selected artists" section.