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Théodore Géricault - Les Boueux (lithograph) 1823 - Paris Musée Carnavalet

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Théodore Géricault - A Party of Life Guards (lithograph) 1821 - Paris BNF

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Théodore Géricault - Plowing in England - whereabouts unknown

Théodore Géricault French School, 1791-1824
Double-sided horse studies/ Feuille d’étude de chevaux double face, 1820-1821
Black pencil on paper/ crayon noir sur papier
7 1/2 x 10 in
19 x 25.5 cm
19 x 25.5 cm
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Recto: two horses, preparatory study for the lithograph "Les Boueux" ("The Muddy Ones")/ deux chevaux, étude préparatoire pour la lithographie "Les Boueux"
Verso: four studies of horse heads (including two preparatory studies for the watercolor "Plowing in England"), a study of a life guard with the rump of his horse (preparatory to the lithograph "A Party of Life Guards") and a dog / quatre études de têtes de chevaux (dont deux études préparatoires pour l'aquarelle "le labourage en Angleterre"), une étude d'un life guard avec la croupe de son cheval (préparatoire à la lithographie "A Party of Life Guards") et un chien.
A detailed description of this painting is available in the "Selected Artists" section.