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Hieronymus Cock - The Sacrifice of Isaac (left part - on the verso of our drawing)

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Hieronymus Cock - The Sacrifice of Isaac (428316001) British Museum London

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Titian - Ecce homo - Kunsthistorisches Museum - Vienna - Austria (1543)

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Titian's workshop - Ecce homo - Musée du Louvre - Paris - France (after 1550)

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Attributed to Titian - Ecce Homo - Prado Museum - Madrid - Spain (ca. 1565 - 1570)

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Titian and his workshop - Madonna of Mercy - Palatine Gallery - Florence - Italy (1573)

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Titian and his workshop - Madonna of Mercy (detail of Titian's presumed portrait) - Palatine Gallery - Florence - Italy (1573)

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Andrea Schiavone - Christ before Herod - Capodimonte Museum - Naples - Italy

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Attributed to Giovanni Contarini - Christ healing a lame Man - Bolland & Marotz 28/06/2003

Tiziano Vecelli, called Titian/ Tiziano Vecelli dit Titien Italian School, 1488-1576
(School of) Christ before Herod / (Ecole de) Le Christ devant Hérode, ca. 1570
Black chalk/ pierre noire
7 1/4 x 9 5/8 in
18.5 x 24.5 cm
18.5 x 24.5 cm
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On the verso, the left side of an engraving by Hieronymus Cock, dated 1551, entitled “ The Sacrifice of Isaac ”/ Au verso la partie gauche d’une gravure de Hieronymus Cock, datée 1551 intitulée « Le sacrifice d’Isaac »
We would like to thank Dr Peter Lüdemann for his help and for his comments during the preparation of this notice/ Nous tenons à remercier pour son aide dans la rédaction de cette notice et pour ses commentaires le Docteur Peter Lüdemann.
A detailed description of this drawing is presented under the Selected Artists section/ une decription détaillée est présentée dans la section "Sélection d'artistes"